Sunday 13 August 2017

A Message By MVSR Student

Teksystems Interview Experience

Hey guys! I wish you congrats, you're doing a great job. I want to share my experience regarding the recently held TEK system interview. And also bring to light how little the college management is willing to help us in placements. If possible please do post this on your page. What I really want is for the college management to put in more effort in getting the students placed because as things stand, I'm not sure how many of our students will be getting placed by the end of the year. The first round was aptitude which happened as usual so I don't want to go into details of it. They didn't reveal the results till 8:30 that night. I don't know whose fault that is. Out of the 100 students who wrote the first round from our college, only 8 got selected and we were asked to report at GITAM University (which was 50+ kms by the way) by 8:30 AM. We didn't have any kind of support from the college management which is very sad. The college could've sent atleast 1 faculty member with us. We didn't have any guidance there. We were left to ourselves. Somehow we got there, and we came to know we were competing with 11 other colleges including Gitam, Vasavi, CVR, MLRIT, Matrusri, VNR, SR, CMR etc., So essentially 100 were selected out of 1200+ students. The selection procedure was as follows: 1. Group Discussions: This round started at 10:30 AM. There were 8 groups of 12-14 students each. Our topic was GST (other topics included Demonetisation, National anthem in cinema halls, etc.,) weere given 3 minutes to jot down any points on a piece of paper and then the round started. Each of us was given 30 seconds initially to express them. And once a round was done, it was a free discussion from there on. Personally, I'd suggest in a GD, to get selected, say atleast 5-6 relevant points, which do not seem repeated and to get a positive impression, try to conclude the topic yourself in a convincing manner by rounding off all the important points. After an hour or so, they revealed the results and out of the 100 students, only 31 remained for the next round. Only 2 of our college remained here. 2. Programming and interview about it: The remaining 31 students were given 2 sheets of paper and asked to write about ourselves in 20 minutes. Then we were given another sheet of paper and were divided into 4 groups again. There were 4 different programs and each group was given one. The programs included Archery Simulation, Maze Runner, Snakes and Ladder and Mars Rover. We were given 30 minutes to do it in any language of our choice. After that we had to submit our resume along with our programming solution. And then we had our technical interview. They mostly asked questions based on our resume and also asked us to explain our code. This interview lasted around 10-20 minutes. 3. Managerial interview: This interview was completely based on your resume, any projects you've done and other academic information. He also looked into the 2 page essay we wrote earlier and asked questions based on it. This round tested your confidence, vision about your future and also your communication skills. This round lasted about 10-15 minutes. After this round we were further filtered from 31 to 12. Still two of our college students remained in that 12. These 12 were shortlisted for the final HR interview. 4. The final round of interviews started around 5 PM. Students were being called one by one to the interview room while all others waited in the conference hall. I was the 8th one. I was called out for the final round and asked to wait outside the interview room. As soon as the 7th student finished his interview, I was to go in. But suddenly the interviewing team came out all of a sudden and declared the results. They selected those 7 students whose interview was done and ignored the remaining 5 students. The worst part was that we didn't even have our final HR round even after qualifying the above mentioned 3 rounds. Unfortunately, both of our college students suffered the same fate. From 1200 students, we remained in the final 12 students after many rounds of filtering and yet were horrifyingly ignored without being given a chance. We had to depart at 6:30 PM from there while soaking in pouring rain. 15 KMS away from the outskirts of the city with no means of transport. On a whole it was a hellish experience. The college could've atleast provided some transport facility. They could've atleast demanded some money and arranged any transportation, but they didn't. This is my sincere request for the college management. The students are suffering. Even after having all the technical and communication skills, getting so far as being the top 1% amongst the candidates, we were just unlucky enough not to get a chance in the end. A very sad, disappointing and hard day.


Unknown said...

No one in college(staff) will support you..!! You people are not sheeps try to get it on your own never seek for someones help in this type of of now it is placements but once u are out of the clg you people have to tackle it on your own. there will be 1000's of people who will alwys be ready to compete with you so better dont depend on ur clg faculty

Unknown said...

Sorry for your interview part, I think you deserve better, but college got nothing to do with this. it's better to be Independent. Thanks for sharing your experience

eshwar said...

From the text, all I see is how dependent you are on others. Can't you plan and pursue things yourself ? This is called greed. When someone tries to help you, you ask for more. The life at MVSR went so well until this non sense called campus placements began. They should stop these and let students learn themselves finding jobs. And this hapens only in our colleges. Unfortunately to compete with other colleges only.

Daniel said...

Wow! I find these comments really appalling. First of all the kid is trying to share his experience and probably requesting for a little support from the college and people start branding the student as greedy. And to make things clear to this guy eshwar, campus placement is a very prevalent thing today. Any college's worth is based on the placements they are able to acquire be it an IIM or an IIT or for that matter even a college like MVSR. I don't understand just why you get so upset by the kid's remarks. Although he has to learn to be independent, all he's asking for is a little support from the college it's not as if he's demanding a job. So instead of berating the kid, why don't everyone calm down and let the kid deal with it. It's okay if you cannot provide constructive guidance but calling him/her greedy would be counterproductive and show your own immaturity. My suggestion would be to just take it as a learning experience and move on.

eshwar said...

It is always nice to have a feedback. "Greedy" was a tough word, but it still makes the point.
Well, any college's worth is no t based on the number of placements. It is based on the positions reached by its Alumni, be it higher studies or attaining recognized position in respective fields. It applied same for the IIT or the IIM.
The student (which you referred to as Kid !) is actually not able to deal with it. So he started writing down a long story here. Instead he could have started thinking about his next target.
The student is not asking "a little" support. His message did not convey so. He cleared all the stages and he himself said he was not lucky at the end. So what College would do there ? Recommend him ? So it is the other way of asking for a job.
You referring others as "this guy" or "the Kid" is the real immaturity.

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